Gordon Roxburgh tells Terry Vision about his Eurovision book

They always say that you forget more horrors of the Eurovision Song Contest than you have hot dinners. Which is true, because I try to have two hot dinners a night after coming back from every Contest, So I’m a bit upset at my next guest. Author and historian Gordon Roxburgh is talking about everything that old Blighty has done in the Contest!

Songs for Europe: The United Kingdom at the Eurovision Song Contest” is now available, and it covers the fifties and sixties, with later years covered by the upcoming volumes.

Two Eurovision Commentators Walk Into A National Final…

Taking to the stage with the rest of the media scrum after the recent Die Entscheidungs Show, I found Swiss TV presenter Sven Epiney. Is Sven going grey, is he ready to stand in for Heilsarmee’s 94 year old bassist if he has ‘a dicky ticker’, and what will be Sven’s favourite tipple in the Malmo commentary booth? Time to find out…